Monday, October 10, 2011


Always Unprotected is the sister download blog to Trial By Ordeal, my main metal blog. Instead of the usual writings you'll find there, on Always Unprotected you'll get a chance to download and explore a variety of extreme music, focusing mainly on metal but also periodically dipping into other styles. Unlike other download blogs, there's never going to be any posts about leaks of major albums, bootlegs of well-known bands, or anything else that concentrates on the mainstream of the underground music scene. You can find that elsewhere. What you'll get here: weird Chilean black metal CDrs, ambient/industrial from the Ukraine, or gorenoise tapes from Iowa. In short: everything you've come not to expect from extreme music. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. It's too bad you didn't continue with this. I found this while looking for Hacksaw to the Throat. Had the album way back when it came out, lost it, along with everything on my PC. I'm really glad the download was here. I ended up reading some of your other posts and got some other albums. Thanks for introducing me to new bands. Appreciated!
